

Our paper “Listing Acyclic Orientations of Graphs with Single and Multiple Sources” has been accepted to be published at Latin American Theoretical Informatics Symposium, LATIN 2016 to be held in Ensenada, Mexico (April 11-15, 2016). The abstract follows. We study enumeration problems for the acyclic orientations of an undirected graph with n nodes and m[…]


On the several proofs about P and NP

Recently, I’ve found this nice web site that collects wrong proofs about P and NP relationship. Currently there are 107 proofs. Probably, all of them are wrong (otherwise, probably we would know the guy) and the nice scoring function provided by Scott Aaranson here can be applied. This scoring function is the number of signs exhibited[…]



Our paper “Computing Top-k Closeness Centrality Faster in Unweighted Graphs” has been accepted for ALENEX 2016 (Algorithms Engineering and Experiments). Thanks to all the coauthors Elisabetta Bergamini, Michele Borassi, Pierluigi Crescenzi and Henning Meyerhenke. This work is the result of a merge between our work (see here) and the work by Elisabetta and Henning. It’s a pleasure to start this new collaboration. This is the abstract[…]



Our paper “On Computing the Hyperbolicity of Real-World Graphs” has been accepted for ESA 2015 !!! Thanks to all my coauthors Michele Borassi, David Coudert, and Pierluigi Crescenzi. You can read the abstract here. The (Gromov) hyperbolicity is a topological property of a graph, which has been recently applied in several different contexts, such as the design of[…]